-Creation of severe weather patterns designed to consume the remaining fuel.
-Utilities will be unable to cope with the demand
-Regional natural disasters so large that local and civil authorities are unable to handle them
-Rioting and chaos in major US cities
-Polarization of minorities creating a call from the minorities for a need for segregation.
-Martial Law declared to restore order.
-Economic/stock market collapse as a result of the disasters, lack of utilities, and planned chaos
-President will enact Executive Orders that in effect, will rescind the Constitution and civil rights
-The United Nations will be called in to restore order. This comes with waves of Chinese, Russian, and German troops
-Dissidents will be shipped for re-education to huge concentration camps already in place in the United States and Canada
-The United Nations declares that the US is too large to be administered as is, and will order it to be split into two districts; Eastern and Western
-The Eastern district capital will be Atlanta. The Western district capital will be Denver. This is why government offices and international super-airports were built in these two cities.
-Washington D. C. will becomes an illuminati cultural site and possibly even a religious center for them
-New York City will be declared the United Nations Capital city for the Earth and given special status. This is why New York State is called the ´Empire State´
-Undesirables will be eliminated via chemtrails "mosquito spraying," flu shots and other inoculations
-Radicals will be eliminated (if all goes according to their plans)
-Programming Centers will become standard sites for children to visit - Montauk Point, Santa Fe, Yelm, and Huntsville Space Center.
-All air force bases will be staging areas
-National parks will be declared International Sites and come under United Nations jurisdiction (done)
-All people will be issued identity cards that will contain their DNA
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