there are three cleverly hidden 6's in the words "Walt Disney." Also notice that Mickey mouse is wearing a sorcerer's hat and casting a magic spell. Walt Disney is of the Devil, controlled by secret society Illuminist's who are trying to corrupt every child in America. Satan is the god of this world, he operates primarily through secret occult societies and esoteric groups. All of the worlds top political, corporate, financial, and media leaders are members of such Satanic organizations (such as Skull and Bones and Freemasonry). Walt Disney himself was a 33rd degree Freemason, an occult organization whose members are often guilty of pedophilia, but are never prosecuted - George Bush Sr. is a Freemason as well --Read about the Franklin Cover-ups, about the little boys being raped by Washington politicians. In 1922, master Satanist and 33rd degree Freemason Aleister Crowley published Dairy of a Drug Fiend, which was about the use of cocaine. He described the widespread use of cocaine among Hollywood stars, which he described as “cocaine-crazed

sexual lunatics.” Crowley died a wasted heroin addict given to rages and doubts. His last words were “I am perplexed…” Crowley worshipped the demon god Pan, the god of sexuality and lust. His “Hymn to Pan” was read at his funeral: “I rave and I rape and I rip and I rend/ Everlasting world without end!” There is the demonic debauchery behind nearly everything nowadays, from music to Movies. Don't believe it? Did you know that Johnny Cash sang 2 songs written by Danzig, a known Satanist. Dolly Parton recently sang and re-popularized Led Zeppelin's demonic Stairway to Heaven.

My comment is mostly directed at your statement regarding Dolly Parton. But I will first mention that I suspected Disney was trying to bring children to Satan for many years. You really don't need to see symbols to know better. Once you learn the Truth from God, all this becomes revealed. We weren't put here to be admonished by animated cartoons and fun. That is devlish stuff that was never meant to be. All truly Godly people know better!
Dolly Parton was once known as the epitome of wholesome and family-like. Of course, like all things "famous", its an illusion. She is governed by fame and fortune and carries her own "brand" of evil. She encourages a life a vanity a self indulgence. She uses the "good ole days" as her theme of corruption. But all in all, she does not know God. She's is deceived. Obviously she never studies the Bible. Her Bible is a bank account.
You're an IDIOT
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